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Holiday Cookie Exchange
Cookie Exchange December 15th | 2:00 PM Join us for a holiday cookie exchange! Please bring 4 dozen of your favorite homemade cookies along with a printed copy of your recipe. Don’t forget to bring a container for your exchanged cookies. If you’d prefer to simply enjoy the day, you’re more than welcome to do so,…
CANCELLED Jukebox Bingo December 25th Happy Holidays!
New Years Eve Dinner
New Year's Eve Dinner 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Music by JJR Band Limited Menu Champaign Toast at 9:00 pm Please rsvp to reservations@waterloocountryclub.com
Super Bowl Sunday at The WCC
Super Bowl Sunday at The WCC Sunday, February 9, 2025 Pre-Game starts at 3:30 pm Kick-off begins at 5:30 pm Drinks Specials & Exclusive Tailgate Food & Party Snacks We…