Don Barlow Championship

TO ALL WCC MEN, Hello, it’s that time of year again to sign up for the Don Barlow Match Play Championships. It is this event that determines the Men’s WCC…

Ryan Webb Golf Tournament

Saturday, September 14th Tee Times at 8:00AM or 1:00PM $450 Per Foursome Pork Steak Dinner to follow both tee times LEARN MORE

Witches & Warlocks

Witches & Warlocks October 12th | 1:00 PM Shotgun 4- Person Scramble  2 - Men | 2 - Women $200 per team Entry fee includes prize money, skins, attendance prizes…

Devil’s Cut Golf Tournament

Devil's Cut Golf Tournament Saturday, November 30th | 10:00AM Shotgun start 3-Man Teams   Shamble • Scramble • Monkey 18 Holes with Cart • Prizes* • Food • Skins* $60 for Members $85 for Guests *Prizes and Skin money is based on the number of team entries Limited to the first 20 teams • Entry…